Friday, July 17, 2009

Time to eat!!

Some of you have been wondering about the horrid working conditions that I am forced to endure. To tell you the truth, there are a few bright spots here and there. One of them is the fact that Inspector Crudele (doesn't rhyme with anything) likes to go fishing. He's very good at it, and always catches more than he can eat. My crew at Station 19 is very kind to Vince (that's a no-brainer), so he is always willing to share his catch with us. But wait it gets better, Vince likes to cook.

Vince and his buddy went out onto the San Francisco Bay and searched for a flock of seagulls that were diving into the water. Upon finding the birds, they cast multi-hooked lines baited with shrimp into the spot where the birds were diving. This resulted in Vince and his buddy catching mackeral. End of story? Not hardly!! The mackeral served as live bait for the fish that they were really after, namely striper bass and halibut! The pan holds Vince's share of the catch which have been sitting all day in a marinade that he concocted from scratch.

Onto the grill it goes.

Vince takes a test taste (two or three actually, plus the one he gave me) and declares them perfect.

Back into the freshly washed pan...

...and now for a time honored tradition, the ringing of the bell. I ring the bell to alert the other members of our crew that dinner is ready. I also ring the bell when we are dispatched to a fire, but that isn't nearly as important.

Voila!! You've done it again Vince. He can fall asleep in front of our TV any time he wants!!

Tracy, our regular (and just as wonderful) chef gets a much deserved break, and we all get a bit more insulation from the horrors that await us around the next corner.

bon appe'tit!
Hec @ 19
(I can't eat another bite!)


SuperAngel said...

wow! that looks amazing! I love fish! especially just caught fish.
thanks for telling all about it... now i'm hungry. lol

Simply Tiffany said...

Oh!!! That fish looks sooooo delicious!!!! Does he have a recipe for that? We just caught some bass in our lake and we're looking for ways to prepare it. :)

My, what a nice stove y'all have...*reminds herself not to covet* :)

Okay, when I get my tour of the firehouse, can we go fishing and eat there too? ;)

Miss you!

DeusPrimus said...

Looks scrumptious! Can you fish from a sailboat?

They were having a fish cooking contest on the Food network the other day, while I was giving blood. Vince's fish looked better than theirs. Especially since he actually gave real portions.

Good times, good times. I relish the meals we have had at the firehouse....

We have a stove almost just like that, just a bit smaller.



JB said...

Looks wonderful DH! Glad to see you do eat somewhat healthy at the firehouse. Vince is such a nice guy to feed y'all.

Hey, we ring the bell at home, too, when it's time to eat. How many bells for meals?