Friday, September 26, 2008

Allow for more time

Time has come and passed since April of 2008, but the pictures from that day still remain. On that cold Monday morning, Matthew and I loaded up our bikes in the RV for a trip to remember. It was our plan to drive the house on wheels to our mechanic some 3 hours away from our house on a foundation, and ride our bicycles approximately 40 miles north to the point where mom would pick us up.

It seemed easy at the time. “40 miles on a straight flat dirt road? YA!! No problem!!”

I like to carry a camera everywhere I go, but unfortunately the only image capturing device I had on me that day was on my phone, so I apologize for the lack of quality in the pictures. Here is how we transported the bikes on the way down…

After being delayed a couple of times on the way down (and a quick stop at Taco Bell) we made it to the mechanic, dropped the RV off, and started north. To our misfortune, the wind was heading south. It took twice as long and four times the energy to make it to an area against the hills where the wind switched directions. Matthew taking a break after we finally made it to the dirt road along the canal…

A self portrait… I’ve become the hollow man…

Doesn’t look too bad does it?...

Levitating over the middle of the water…

Long story short, we didn’t make it as far as we had hoped in the allotted time, and we had a pressing engagement that evening, so I called mom on my ever-trusty camera and had her meet us about 8 miles from our final destination. My dark skinned brother was fine, but half of my body looked like I slept on a bed made of Red #40. Resting in the shade of an almond tree…

There comes a point when you say “enough’s enough” and you just have to take drastic measures. This was one of those times…

No one wanted to buy two hard workers and a pair of bikes. Bummer.


Elissa said...

Haha, that last picture is great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Forty miles! That was ambitious! Sounds to me, the novice cyclist, that you still managed quite a distance. Me? I was thrilled last week to increase the mileage of my morning ride to four miles instead of three. remarks.

Anonymous said...

UHHH... Nomas,don't you mean your "...ever trusty PHONE?" Or am I missing something here. If so, I can just blame it on the hair...


Simply Tiffany said...

ROFLOL....that's too funny! But 40 miles...what were y'all thinking?!?!?! An idea like that never would've crossed my mind...I don't care to look like (as you so profoundly put it) I'd slept on a bed made of Red #40 all night. :)

LOVE the last that is something I might do...

Thanks for the inspiration! :)

Jessica McDonald said...

LOL! That looks like fun!! :-D But y'all are absolutely nuts!! In a good way, I guess. :-D lol. But 40 miles?! Phew!! Y'all are brave! :-)

And like Lis and Tiff, I LOVE that last picture! :-D LOL!! Too funny!!


Thomas and Lindsey said...

My dear friend Linds...

Your hair was definitely not to blame in this circumstance. I did say my ever trusty camera on purpose though. You see, just for the day, my phone had to take on the great task of capturing pictures, therefore it's title had to be changed for the duration on the trip.

So I called mom on my "ever trusty camera".


Unknown said...

wow, that's pretty crazy! 40 miles huh? You are out of your mind... I must say... the last picture was the best! *laughs*... See ya!


Anonymous said...

Hey Hectors! I can't seem to find your email address, Jean, but had a question for you. I was telling a friend about the adoption expert who's been such a help to you, but I couldn't remember her name. This lady's daughter has adopted two older Russian children and is facing a lot of challenges. If you get a moment to send along the name of the lady you've studied, that would be wonderful. hope all is well!

Simply Tiffany said...

Come, come...I know those genius heads of y'alls can come up with something intelligent to's been TWO WEEKS!!!! :)

Waiting ever so patiently...

...did you post yet?

...see, I'm patient...