Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dear Ben and Thomas,

Now that you two are scattered across the nation, your Christmas present has finally arrived. The motor is in the shop being prepared for the summer boating season, it will be ready soon.

A note to everyone in the blogosphere: That is "Mac" in the boat. She is our nephew's daughter. If you are wondering about the lack of PFD's, please be aware that anyone who falls overboard in this pond need merely walk back to shore to save themselves.

Choose your seat wisely on this vessel as some are better than others. Nick's back side is considerably wetter than his front side. Had there been nothing to grab ahold of, he would have been uniformly wet.

Mrs. Hector is getting her hair shorn as we speak. It will look different than this when you see her next.

be safe, (that means you, Nick)
Hec @ 19


Elizabeth said...

That is such an awesome present....have fun with it. I wish I was there :)

So were are Ben & Thomas? Guess I'm kind of lost....

Have a good one!

JB said...

It's really fun, even without the motor. Looking forward to trying it out together.

You can tell we own sheep - I got "shorn".

Blessings, Mom/JB/Mrs.H

Joy said...

Oh, neat! It looks like fun. ;-)

Where are Ben and Thomas?

And now I want to see a picture of Mrs. H after she got 'shorn'. :-D

Anonymous said...

Of course Nick would be the one to fall in :). See all of you soon!

Elissa said...

That is a really cool present... I want one!!!!


Thomas and Lindsey said...

Ben and Thomas were scattered about the country... one in Illinois and the other in Alabama. Thanks for the boat!