Sunday, May 6, 2012

Illinois for a Day!

Visiting relatives is a joy. Driving 39 hours straight and having only one day to visit is a bummer. However, that is what we had and we made the most of it.

We traveled clear across the country and saw one of the most important people in the world. Jean and her “grandsister”, Stacy, share the grandmothering duties of our Lilyana. 

She’s a favorite for the whole family.

Dear, dear Melissa.

James the Grandpa & James the Uncle, enjoying Lilyana.

After the long RV ride, Sara enjoyed being active with the McD girls. Grace liked the ride, too.

Abigail & Lilyana, together again.

Jonathan & Caleb, need I say more.

Sisters, sisters, there were never more devoted sisters!

Knox was made to feel right at home with the younger McD girls, who included him in their games.

Laura does love her brothers.

Matthew & Jill prepping the chicken. It came from the store, but Matthew is well versed at butchering chickens!

James VI barbequed dinner. Even with the great amount of smoke, the chicken was marvelous.

Since Ben couldn’t come on this trip, he sent his 
mother-in-law a case of real California avocados. 
Perhaps not a good substitute for Ben, but definitely appreciated. Stacy made real GUACAMOLE!

Dave & Jonathan got into the process of prepping avocados for the freezer.

Typical of Midwest weather, it rained in the morning, but was gorgeous in the evening. A family dinner at McD’s must include the Vogels from across the street.

Tiffany always enjoys her baby.

William shared a birthday celebration with his niece. 
What’s a boy’s birthday without LEGOS.

The extent that Grandpas will go to entertain their grandchildren.

Laura, Morgen, Matthew & Jessica represent the craziness of our one day 
at their home.

 Tomorrow morning we head back to Iowa for Presbytery.


Jessica McDonald said...

These pictures make me smile!! Okay, some more then others.

Also, what the heck is Grace doing in that one picture of her in the garage?! LOL! McD & Hector kids are so weird when they're together. ;-)

Keep up the posting!!! I'll keep reading. :-)


Lindsey said...

We didn't even know you posted! That back deck brings back memories... so do the people... and that kitchen sink. I'm glad you enjoyed your day, try to make it a little longer next time!

Look forward to having you back. Drive safe!

Thomas and Lindsey

DeusPrimus said...

I'm sorry to have missed all of the fun! Everyone needs to hurry home so I don't get too jealous of y'all.

Drive safe, and we will see you soon!


WeLoveKaren said...

It's great to see all of those pics. Wish we could have been there to see everyone as well, but I'm glad to see that you all had such a great time!

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