Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Perhaps you've heard


California made the national news on Tuesday after enduring a state-wide record breaking storm, the first of the winter season. We were full participants in the process and yet we lived to tell the tale. Photos by Matthew, Mrs. H. and yours truly.
The rain started out light and easy, no big deal.

But the rain didn't stop, it didn't stop, then it failed to stop. After that, it didn't stop some more. All told, we collected four inches of rain.

In addition to the rain, we got wind. It huffed and it puffed and it blew our tree down. We loved that tree. Anthony heard it go over and thought that it was thunder. This isn't the first oak that we've lost in a storm, in fact, this is the third one to go down in the ten years that we've lived here.

Our pond went from bone dry to nearly full in a single day. That has never happened before.

It was the perfect day for a toasty fire. Yes, that is oak in the wood stove. Can you sense the ironic tension that exists in this equation?

Thomas cut through the last bit of red tape that separates the EMT's from the Paramedics. He will be able to practice his new craft as soon as his card arrives in the mail. This has nothing to do with the storm, but it was the brightest spot in an other wise dreary day.

The power went out at 1:00 in the afternoon. It stayed out for twenty nine long hours. Matthew saw the art in our throw-back lighting system. He has a good eye.

Meanwhile, back at the tree... it was time to convert our beloved friend into wood stove fodder. Does my hearing protection compliment or clash with the saw?

Our neighbor Bob owns a splitter which he was kind enough to bring over.

Speaking of Bob, there he is now. We will be delivering a large load of wood to his house next week.

Once again, our Lord threw me a bone by sparing the boat from the ferocity of the falling oak. One well placed limb would have destroyed the valiant craft. photo by Mrs. H.

Our resident fire engine did not fare as well.

The Suburban picked up a few memory marks as well. Some think of it as damage, I call it accumulated character.

What better time to try on winter clothes than during a storm?

No power means no heat in the barn for our chicks. They get a spot near the wood stove under these circumstances.

Sara found a butterfly while dragging limbs to the burn pile. (Next year's bonfire is shaping up to be a doozey!)

One of the great catastrophes is the loss of our beloved tree swing. Friends, please submit your tree swing memories in the comment section.

It took a while to unbury the fire engine.

All in all, it could have been worse. Imagine what would have happened if the tree had fallen in the other direction. Nic's bedroom lies closest to the tree. A dented fire engine is better than a dented Nicholas.

Ben did duty as a limb dragger. The pile was much larger by the end of the day. The sheep love oak leaves and spent a lot of the day munching away at the pile. Think of it as an all you can eat salad bar.

We don't have to buy any fire wood next year. Bob estimates that the tree will yield three cords of wood.

Nic never fails to be Nic. He went up the pine to throw down a few limbs that got stuck up there. Melodrama has always been his strong suit.

Jean and I are the first generation in our families to be born with in-door plumbing and electricity. Both Jean's parents and mine know about hauling water and fire wood and using an out-door privy. My dad used to entertain my brothers and me with stories of having to chase snakes from the out house. We had to live for a single day as our parents did and it was quite a disruption to our comfy lives. As you count your blessings, don't forget the little stuff.

be safe,
Hec @ 19


Cheryl (Copper's Wife) said...

I'm so sorry about the tree!!! My heart got quite the workout watching my boys enjoy that swing one lovely afternoon.

On a brighter note, congratulations to Thomas on the Paramedic certification! Way to go!

Simply Tiffany said...

My goodness!!! And Ben though WE had bad wind storms!!! The tree we lost wasn't nearly as big!

I'll have to show Em the pond that is now full of water. She enjoyed running through that with Sara.

HOORAY for Thomas!!!! :)

I think the headgear matches. Orange is a happy color, too! :)

Very nice picture, Mrs. H! I too am glad to hear the boat survived! I've only been on it once, and that wasn't nearly enough. :) It looks lovely with the greenery around it, though.

I agree...a dented Nic would be a sad thing.

Hmmmm, didn't y'all just buy firewood on Monday? How does Ben feel about those early morning hours now? ;)

A swing memory...not too long ago, Em enjoyed that playing on that very swing on a lovely summer day. Sad to see it there another tree for another swing?

JB said...

First and foremost I am thankful to our Heavenly Father, who spared our home and our family of any damage.

The wind was blowing harder than I have ever seen it blow in CA. I heard the valley had many trees down as well. We are sorry to see our beloved swing tree go, but are already planning the next tree planting - very soon, right DH?

I remember being on the swing when we first moved up. It felt like flying. Sigh. However, there are other trees on the property, just not in the front yard. DH will still have to resurrect Ben and Thomas' homemade swingset.

When the tree fell I was very concerned about DH's sailboat. He was not here and it was the first thing the kiddos and I checked.

There is much wood for Bob and for us. However, we can't use it until next year as it needs to dry. Thanks to all the woodcutters for their hard work.

Congrats to our new Paramedic!!! We are very, very proud of his accomplishments.

I am happy to be back in modern America. Washing dishes without running water is difficult. Non-flushing bathrooms are not my idea of comfort. And I like cordless phones. Okay, I will admit it, I'm spoiled.

It has been quite a week.


Cynthia said...

Wow! That's quite an adventure! We're so glad you are all safe. Matthew, I love the candle picture. :-)

C and H Walker said...

ahh! That swing was amazing! I remember having a lot of fun on it at the bonfire.Too bad, that tree looked so nice there!

kymk99 said...

Kelsey was rather sad to hear about the swing tree coming down. Glad to hear that no one was hurt though. As Kelsey said, there are plenty of other trees up there for swinging on! :o)

Mrs. Reynolds :o)

Thomas and Lindsey said...

I'm sorry I wasn't here to share in the power-less days, or the tree falling, or the tree cutting. That really is my idea of fun!! I'll have to come over and get my wood cutting fix from you, Bob.

Does that mean I am not a paramaybe anymore?

Tiffany, Ben has mixed emotions about getting up early. I don't think he remembers much from Monday morning =P


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Came over to your blog from Reflecting on the Simple Things - I also am a regular reader of Stacy's blog.

I grew up in California, I don't live there any longer though. I can't believe how much rain you got in that storm! And your tree down - wow!

We had quite a storm this summer here in our part of PA. We lost 7 trees on our property and the power went out as well. We did the only sensible thing...we went over to Grandmas! :)

Sara (and for our trip to China, Abby) said...

Praise God for His mercy!!!!