Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day of Mourning

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you.
This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

Mark Twain

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Ginger, Thomas' beloved dog.

Good dogs are common, but special dogs are rare. Ginger was special to Thomas and the rest of the family.

Ginger loved her ball.

Ginger loved to eat, even at an early age.

Did I mention that Ginger loved her ball. I mean...she really loved her ball!!

Sometimes she loved the ball a little too much.

Case in point.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this dog from the swift completion of her appointed rounds.

Can't find the ball? No problem, we'll just improvise.

The pond froze over. One of the boys pitched a large rock with the intention of breaking the ice. The ice prevailed, Ginger saw it as a game of fetch.

Freezing cold water was no obstacle to this hardy canine.

In this famous incident, the ball wedged about eight feet up in a tree. Ginger amazed us with her determination!

Life held other pleasures for Ginger. She was a great companion on our many hikes.

If you have to take a rest, make sure your ball is in plain sight.

Speaking of taking a rest, Ginger was pretty good at getting comfortable.

We miss you girl, GET THE BALL!!


SuperAngel said...

awww! sorry y'all lost Ginger! she was a beautiful dog! Looks like a wonderful friend too!
The Daily Planet

Joy said...

We're really sorry to hear that she died! :-( Hugs!

JB said...

I like the picture with the tree branch. No ball, just find something to chase. I expect to find balls all over the property for years to come.

She was such a cute puppy.

We will miss you Ginger.

Anonymous said...

Ginger was a very good dog. I will always remember, Ginger and her ball. I can't go past her pen, or go on a hike without remembering her.

PS.Nice Pictures Dad.

~ Matt

Thomas and Lindsey said...

She sure did grow over the years, especially the last few, but her growing was mainly sideways!

The second to the last was my favorite. Ginger knew how to get comfy, no matter the spot. Thanks, dad, for doing this post. I loved that faithful girl!


DeusPrimus said...

It didn't really hit me until today, when we went on a hike. She wasn't with us, running all over the place, and she wasn't in the pen barking, making it known that she hadn't been allowed to come along. Right at the moment I realized that fact, it hurt.

I'm going to miss that dog, Thomas. Thanks for being the one that brought her into our lives.


P.S. We never did get to see if it was possible to tire her out so much that she would no longer chase the ball. We always got tired first...

Elizabeth said...

So sorry to hear you lost Ginger! She was so beautiful & looked like a wonderful friend!! What breed was she?

Great pics!


Hec @ 19 said...

Ginger was a Yellow Lab

Miss Amy said...

Aw! :-( I'm sorry to hear that!!! :-(

Simply Tiffany said...

From the pictures it looks Ginger was a woderful dog and a dear friend. I was sorry to hear about her passing. These pictures are beautiful, and I'm sure each one had a special memory tied to them. I love the one of her in the tree keeping an eye on her ball!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! I thought Ginger was the toughest of tough - she never gave up or tire out chasing what I would throw her!! I'll miss not seeing her when we visit. Thanks for "her life in photos" - great dog!
